Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Talk Continues To Stay Hush Hush

It's been two days and CBS is crowing about the fact that The Talk has not dipped at all in the ratings. I'm reading this and I'm thinking they are happy about not dipping? Which by the way, I'm not sure I believe. Reason being is that every blog, message board, twitter, and face book is posting hundreds of people's disappointment of the change. People are tweeting that they took it off their dvr and tivo. So I'm not sure who is supposedly watching. No matter how much they are ignoring the huge elephant in the room, folks are still passionately voicing their disgust.

How can they get away with taking two important elements off the show and discarding them like yesterday's trash? Not to mention, turning the knife and pouring salt in the wound by not even acknowledging their contributions to the show during the first season. Everyone acts as if they were never even there! Oh yeah, Mrs O tweeted "Great first day. Missed Leah and Holly." Really? Really? Don't let the assholes at CBS get away with this. Keep it up folks. I know I will.

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